This cartoon is the Reader's Digest "Beat the Cartoonist" drawing for August. The idea is that readers submit their captions, and the three best ones are posted on the website alongside my original wording. There's no clue as to which is the original, of course.
Visitors to the site then choose their favourite and if a reader's caption gets the most votes, that reader wins a cash prize and the original drawing.
I'll try not to sink into a deep depression if readers pick someone else's caption. As compensation for the hurt caused to us sensitive artists, we get paid extra for the original artwork anyway.
They certainly picked one with a lot of drawing in it. This took me ages. And I wasn't very happy with it, so I put in on the lightbox and drew it again. Which means that the artwork that someone may win is remarkably Tipp-Ex free ... a desirable item indeed!
Click here to go to the "Beat the Cartoonist" web page
Royston's portfolio website