
Behind the Humour: Cartoonist Royston Robertson

Here's a short video about me and my cartoons, the process, how I got started in cartooning etc. If you can't see the video preview above, watch it on YouTube. It's nine minutes of me talking about my favourite subject, with lots of cartoons to illustrate it. It was great fun to do, many thanks to the excellent Dave Painter of HUTC productions who made it.

Click here to buy Royston's cartoon books


Cartoons in living colour

A lot of my cartoons are black and white linework, so here are some recent examples of full-colour published work.

Click any image to enlarge.

Law Society Gazette cover, illustrating an article on how to use LinkedIn.
Cartoon for The Critic magazine.
The Broadstairs Beacon features a cartoon by me in each issue.
From Saga Magazine.
A company Christmas card.
Cartoon for Mischief Comedy, the people behind The Play that Goes Wrong
Book cover illustration.
Doctor Who cartoon from the late, lamented Reader's Digest UK.

A Private Eye Christmas card.
And finally, here's one you can print and colour yourself! From the Professional Cartoonists' Organisation's Great British Colouring Book

Click here to buy Royston's cartoon books