
The Penguin Book of Brexit Cartoons

I have a few cartoons in The Penguin Book of Brexit Cartoons, which is out now. All previously published in The New European, New Statesman and Private Eye. The ideal Christmas gift for the leaver and/or remainer in your life, it's on Amazon here.


Bumper cartoon selection!

Here's a bumper selection of cartoons published in magazines such as Private Eye, The Spectator and Prospect over recent months. In other words, it's the obligatory "I haven't updated this blog for ages" post!

Click here to buy Royston's cartoon books


NHS 70th anniversary cartoon

The National Health Service is 70 today. Here's a cartoon I drew for Nursing Standard.

Click here to buy Royston's cartoon books


Cartoons for The New European

Here's a selection of cartoons published in The New European newspaper. All, as you might imagine, are on Brexit and related issues, such as the distrust of mainstream media and the potential rise of a new centrist political party.

Click here to buy Royston's cartoon books


Another sequel to "Life imitating cartoons"

I have written many posts here about life imitating cartoons, where things I have drawn happen in real life. (See them all by clicking here.)

This cartoon (rejected) was drawn last week ... before the same gag was used by the host at the #Oscars last night. Note to Jimmy Kimmel: I am available for next year's ceremony.

Click here to buy Royston's cartoon books


Strip for Hourly Comic Day 2018

I had another go at doing an #HourlyComicDay strip.

Click to see larger versions of page one and page two.

Hourly Comic Day, which happens every year on February 1, involves, logically enough, drawing a comic panel or panels every hour for all the hours you are awake and sharing it on social media.

This is the first time I've done it since 2015, which was the first one I did. You can see that here. It was later published in the anthology Dirty Rotten Comics.

I managed to do it on the actual day this year, rather than a day late, and I completed it before I went to bed this time! It was pretty exhausting though, as this year I was also determined to make it a full two-page strip with the addition of some double-size panels.

As ever, it's a bit rough around the edges and there's plenty I would change, but that is the nature of the project, drawing and publishing quickly without refining too much.

Click here to buy Royston's cartoon books